Use "gravitate|gravitated|gravitates|gravitating" in a sentence

1. " Under such circumstances, I naturally gravitated to London.

2. Susie always gravitates towards the older children in her playgroup.

3. Artists gravitate toward one another.

4. Let your soul gravitate, to the love!

5. Children gravitate toward home at dusk.

6. In summer people gravitate to the seaside.

7. This generation is “really gravitating toward the looser, Baggier fits,” she said

8. The stars gravitate towards each other.

9. Boys gravitate towards girls at that age.

10. The people I gravitate to are dreamers.

11. Gradually, however, he begins to gravitate towards Paul's position.

12. Don't gravitate to one side, or the boat will upset.

13. If you all gravitate to one side, you'll upset the boat.

14. Most visitors to New York gravitate to Times Square.

15. Cooper soon gravitated toward the good-looking and vivacious Lula and asked her out.

16. 13 The Thick Accretion Disk Model and Self - gravitating Accretion Disk Model of QSOs.

17. Many young people gravitate to the cities in search of work.

18. 3 Most visitors to New York gravitate to Times Square.

19. That is why love addicts and love Avoidants gravitate together

20. What more natural than that he should gravitate towards the Communist Party?

21. German settlers gravitated mostly to the southern provinces, where the environment was more like their homeland.

22. In time, most of the gas gravitated towards its center... and ignited as a new star.

23. See how the color wands gravitate towards the bottom right corner?

24. Most visitors to London gravitate to Piccadilly Circus and Leicester Square.

25. Often the discussion gravitates around and is phrased in terms of the Delphic principle, "Know yourself".

26. 20 And every time he told some one something, money gravitated into Lorre's bankroll.

27. They instinctively gravitate toward living in a pack under a leader, or alpha dog.

28. That is because he typically gravitates to the Brawniest mechanical modes of transportation that have ever been conceived

29. Rather, we should walk away and avoid participating in any conversation that gravitates to such low levels.

30. By then the tireless extroverts had gravitated to the buffet cars and were cracking jokes.

31. But he is also respected by groups that tend to gravitate toward the Democratic Party.

32. 2021 But the aesthetic was the real selling point for a city that gravitates to Aqua, pink and orange.

33. Some players just gravitate towards certain mechanics and find others bland or frustrating.

34. Like Stravinsky, Diaghilev had initially studied law, but had gravitated via journalism into the theatrical world.

35. As we saw, they haven't even gravitated towards protecting our ports or reigning in loose nukes.

36. I feel stock returns will eventually gravitate to their historic norms of 5 percent annually since 19

37. Francophones tend to gravitate to and to access the various types of news.

38. It hangs in front of the mouth of an Anglerfish, allowing it to strike when potential gravitates toward it

39. The spinners gravitate most readily towards the television networks and the most important American newspapers.

40. Each pair in fact began to gravitate to opposite poles within the horizon which Dialectical Theology had opened up.

41. It is possible, of course, that some people with social and psychological problems gravitate towards the inner cities.

42. Pullman admitted that his Actorly instincts usually gravitate toward a looser approach within any given scene

43. In the long run the economy will tend to gravitate towards a position of Walrasian equilibrium.

44. When perusing pharmacy shelves, many shoppers gravitate toward Cyanocobalamin sources of vitamin B12 because it costs less

45. There was always plenty to drink, and eventually the two would gravitate toward each other and dance very close.

46. The child may automatically gravitate towards one parent, may touch and climb on one and not the other.

47. Under such circumstances I naturally gravitated to London, that great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are irresistibly drained.

48. Funnily enough, whenever he does this all the really interesting people in the room seem to gravitate to his chair.

49. You know how a dog will instantly gravitate to the person in the room who fears him the most?

50. The child may gravitate to the parent that is easier to manipulate or try to play one parent off against the other.

51. Jonathan Crooks, MD, had always gravitated toward the science field when he was younger, which was one reason he chose to become a doctor

52. 11 Funnily enough, whenever he does this all the really interesting people in the room seem to gravitate to his chair.

53. Under such circumstances I naturally gravitated to London(, that great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are irresistibly drained.

54. Everyone is going to share the cost of public Wi-Fi because the penny-pinching public will gravitate to places that offer "free" Wi-Fi.

55. We especially gravitate towards Curtains that are embroidered, appliquéd and flocked, as they have a way of injecting energy into your space.

56. First, they are feats that may more directly play on what an Artificer will find themselves gravitating to in the course of play, and second feats that leverage the new mechanics introduced by the Artificer.

57. It should come as no surprise that Cebu is a prime beach vacation destination and most of the things to do gravitate around sun, sea, and sand.

58. You are not an iconoclast but you do become bored with dry, repetitive studies and you gravitate to areas that are stimulating and require fast responsiveness to changing circumstances.

59. Always in vogue, CBS’ The Bold and the Beautiful will make you feel more stylish just by watching its fashion-biz CEOs and PYTs gravitate toward and plot against one another

60. Among the practices of the old personality, he lists some of the traits that move people to gravitate toward what is destructive: hurtful desire, wrath, anger, and badness. —Colossians 3:5-10.

61. Many electric players accustomed to having a Cutaway gravitate toward the familiar feel of a Cutaway acoustic guitar, especially if they play lead lines or chords in the upper register.

62. As part of the ITEC Programme, India allocates and funds 5000 vocational training slots every year in over 200 short, medium and long-term courses at 42 Institutes of eminence considered to be leading facilities in their field of specialization with many of them gravitating towards hi-tech areas like IT.

63. ‘The other players gravitated towards us because Jimmy was such a great Chanter and a great comic.’ ‘I could be biased, since Ursula was plying me with Guinness as well as song, but she is a much better Chanter than any of the young ladies performing at the MTV gig.’

64. These small compact women, who remind me of my own grandmothers years ago, are not, as one might expect, from Silhanoukville nor are they even Cambodian. I overhear them talking among themselves in Viet, in the heavy, flat southern accent that hangs well in the humid air. When I inquire about their “que” (home village), most gestured eastward to Chau Doc, a port town on the Cambodian border. They have left home and journeyed to a neighboring country for the small privilege of selling tidbits of food from their yoke-baskets. For a moment, I wonder unreasonably if Bao, my long-lost childhood friend might be among them—a reflex or, perhaps, an affliction of trauma. So, day after day, for weeks on end, I gravitate to beach to eat grilled squids and to hear their stories.